Canine Genetics Blog

Those Funny Things Your Dogs Do: Are They Genetic?

Exploring the Genetic Roots of Canine Behaviors Dogs have a knack for amusing and bewildering us with their quirky behaviors. From tilting their heads to chasing their tails, these actions often leave us wondering if they are simply habits or rooted ...

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Why Does My Dog Hump Me and Other Dogs: Is It Genetic?

Understanding the Genetic and Behavioral Roots of Dog Humping Dog humping is a common yet often perplexing behavior observed in many dogs. Owners frequently ask, "Why does my dog hump me and other dogs?" To uncover the reasons behind this behavior, w...

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Unraveling the DNA of Man's Best Friend: An Introduction to Canine Genetics

Discovering the Genetic Blueprint of Dogs Dogs, often called man's best friend, have a fascinating genetic makeup that has evolved over thousands of years. Understanding canine genetics not only helps us appreciate our furry companions more but also ...

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Understanding Canine Genetics: How Genetics Impact Your Dog's Intelligence

Exploring Genetic Factors That Influence Dog Intelligence, Behavior, and Cognitive Abilities When it comes to understanding our canine companions, one of the most fascinating areas of study is canine genetics. By delving into the genetic makeup of do...

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Understanding Brindle Coat Color in Dogs: The Genetics Behind Your Dog's Unique Look

Exploring the Genetic Factors That Determine Brindle Coat Patterns in Dogs This article has a personal component as the picture above is of my brindle 'coated' dog, Morgan. The brindle coat pattern is one of the most distinctive and beautiful marking...

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Understanding Purebred Dogs: Why They Are More Prone to Health Problems?

Exploring the Genetics and Health Risks Associated with Purebred Dogs Purebred dogs are often admired for their predictable traits, from appearance to temperament. However, owning a purebred dog can come with certain health risks. In this article, we...

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About the Author:
Ryan Stadel received his doctorate from Johns Hopkins in Genetics.  He has worked in academia focusing on research on stem cells as well as industry working on treatment of rare genetic diseases and immunotherapy for cancer. Proud parent of two dogs and three cats.

Blog first active 6/2/2024. Please fill out contact.  I'll update you of future blog posts!

Disclaimer: affiliate links generate income for the blog.  Your support is appreciated and a percentage of all proceeds will go to animal based charities
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